
Ariston li 670 duo manually
Ariston li 670 duo manually

ariston li 670 duo manually

  • Saucepans, salad bowls: mustalwaysbeplacedupside down.
  • Serving dishes and large lids: place them on the sides oftherack.
  • Werecommendyouplacethemost difficult dishes to wash into the lower rack: saucepans, lids, soup dishes and plates, but also: mugs, cups and glasses (see photos for loadexamples). The rack handles can be cleaned regularly:pulloutthetwofastening plugs,removethehandlesandrinse themunderrunningwater.Putthe handles back in place and fasten themusingtheplugsyouremoved previously. They are made to provide greater flexibilityinloadingdishes,making them more suitable to meet your specific needs. Thisdishwashermodelisfittedwith newerandmoremodernupperand lower racks and a cutlery basket. To make it easiertoloadyourdishes,pullthe racksout. If the saucepans and frying pans are very dirty, allow them to soak before being washed.

    ariston li 670 duo manually

    Thisiswhereyouwillfindsmalltipsonhowtowashyourdishesbetter andtohelpmakesavingsbyselectingawashcyclewhichbestsuitsthe typeofload.īeforecallingthetechnician,havealookhere:alotofproblemscan haveanimmediatesolution.Ifyoucan'tmanagetosolveityourself, thencalltheAristonhelplineandanyproblemwillbesolvedasquicklyas possible.īefore placing the dishes in the racks, remove the largest scraps of food left over on your plates, you will thus avoid blocking the filter, which would reduce the efficacy of the wash. Advice and suggestions to help you make savings Usingtherightsaltandintherightquantitywillhelpyoumaintainyour dishwasherintopcondition,towashbetterandtoavoidpossibledamage causedbylimescale.Ħ. Thispageincludesusefultipstohelpyouloadyourdishwashercorrectly andmakethemostofalltheavailablespace.Īfterloadingthedishes,youneedtoselecttherightwashcycleand measureoutthecorrectdoseofdetergentandrinseaid.Readingthese pageswillhelpyouthroughallthewashphases. This is where you will find the description of the controlsandtheinternalparts. Terms of service - © 2004-2023 Assistance Network Inc.Learntogettoknowthepartswhichmakeupyourdishwasher,youwill use it better for it.

    ariston li 670 duo manually

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    ariston li 670 duo manually

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    Ariston li 670 duo manually